Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Starting the Holidays

I haven't written in so long, I don't even know where to begin! I was looking through pictures from the past few weeks and realized how much has been going on around here. We've been enjoying the beautiful weather and the kickoff of the Christmas season. Our theory is, the sooner you can start Christmas--the better!

A few weeks ago, I was looking at our leaf covered back yard and thinking I should rake it (so that you could actually see the yard again). So, the girls and I went out and raked the leaves into a huge pile and jumped in them. We had a really good time just being silly and playing in the leaves. Molly liked it much more than Sadie did. I think Sadie was a little confused as to what we were doing and didn't really understand!

We started the Christmas season early this year by decorating a gingerbread house 3 days before Thanksgiving. I bought one of those ready made kits (which was great!) and we made a great gingerbread house. Now I just have to figure out how to keep the dog away from it, he tries to jump up and eat it off the kitchen table (I mean, it is cookies, icing and candy--can you blame him?)! Molly's heart will be broken if he gets into it, I try to remember to put it on the counter when we leave, but I just know I'm going to forget one of these days. . . .

We had a Thanksgiving lunch and "performance" (and I use this term VERY lightly) at the girls preschool on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. To describe this event as a complete mess would be kind. I honestly have to say that I was SO disappointed in the organization of this event, it was just pitiful. The entire preschool was in the fellowship hall of the church, we ate lunch and then they called ALL the kids to the center of the room. Now, this was every kid in every class--so I would guess maybe 100 or so kids, maybe more. Then they proceeded to try and get the kids to sing the song they had taught them. Needless to say, none of the kids participated (most of them cried because of the chaos and the sheer number of people) and you couldn't see anything. I was so stressed out when I left there from all the craziness, the preschool needs to seriously rethink the organization of that event--it wasn't fun for anyone involved!!

On Thanksgiving day, we went to visit our family in Alabama. We got together at one of my Aunt's homes and saw most all of the family. Sadie was so excited about seeing "Pa-Pa" (we call him Pawpaw), he is all she talked about. She had to know where he was the whole time we were there. It just warmed my heart to see her like that, he is battling cancer and we aren't sure what the future holds. Then, Mama Lynn and Granddaddy came over the day after Thanksgiving and visited for a while. We were glad we got to visit with them, we haven't seen Granddaddy in a while.

We got our Christmas tree over the weekend and the girls had a ball at the tree farm, they had goats there and they got to pet and feed them. When we arrived at the farm, they gave both of the girls a piece of bread to give the goats--but Sadie ate almost all of hers before we made it to where the goats were!!! We put out our blow up Snowman (the ones that go outside) and it is Molly's obsession right now. She is the keeper of the snowman. She plugs him up the second she gets up in the morning and checks on him all day long. When we leave to go somewhere, she unplugs him so he can "take a nap" and Sadie waves to him and says "bye-bye noman".

Today, we went to ride the Pink Pig at Macy's. The girls LOVED it!!! It is really cute, they had a good time. Then we went to see Santa. Molly colored a picture for Santa this morning before we left for the mall, so we brought that along with the letter they had written and gave them to him. Now, Molly my terribly introverted child, was in complete and total AWE of Santa Claus. She walked right up to him and gave him her letter and climbed in his lap and talked to him--she caught me completely off guard, I expected her to grab onto me and not even look at him. On the other hand, Sadie--my extrovert, screamed her head off and wouldn't have anything to do with him. After our visit if you asked her about Santa, she would say "cry, want Mama" to tell you how she cried and wanted me! Those girls constantly suprise me. Watching Molly really made me remember the wonder of Christmas.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Halloween and Vacation with Daddy!

Kelly was on vacation this past week, so we had him all to ourselves for 10 days! We didn't go anywhere, but we spent lots of much needed (and appreciated) time together. Last weekend, Kelly and I went to the mountains for a little time away and the girls stayed with their Granna and Big D. It was great to get away for a couple of days, even if the Bulldogs broke our hearts AGAIN!!! When we got back on Sunday, the girls dressed up for Granna and Big D, then we went to visit with Mamma Lynn.

When we got back, we geared up for Halloween. The girls had parties at preschool on Monday and they had a blast! Sadie was an absolutely adorable puppy dog and Molly was a cute clown with green curly hair. I was so glad that Kelly was on vacation so that both girls had one of us at their parties-since they were happening simultaneously. Monday night Molly and I had some "mommy" time and went to a friends house to decorate Halloween cookies, while Sadie stayed with Daddy. Molly was covered in icing by the time we left and had eaten more icing than made it on the cookies! Then on Tuesday, I worked and Kelly had the girls (Libby got a little vacation!) and brought them to my office for a party that afternoon. Kasey had given me a bandanna to tie around Sadie's neck and a rubber bone for her to carry around (which she ended up walking around and chewing on!) Sadie won first prize in the costume contest and they got an insane amount of candy, so they had a blast. We handed out candy that night, but didn't actually trick or treat. Kelly and I have decided that we aren't trick or treating until they ask us to, it's not someting we are big fans of (and heaven knows we didn't need any more candy!).

On Wednesday, we went to the town we are moving to in July and looked at neighborhoods. It was nice to ride around and explore the area (although next time we hope to go without the girls-by the end of the day they were going nuts in the car!). We found several neighborhoods we are very interested in and will start seriously looking in January or so. I can't wait to look, but I'm trying not to get too excited, we still have a while to go.

I worked again on Thursday, and the girls stayed with Daddy again, so Granna got a little vacation also. The picture below shows what I came home to after work. . .
Apparently, they were having fun with Daddy!

They were both completely naked with various hats and shoes on--but no clothes at all!!! Sadie has figured out how to take all her clothes off, so they both can get naked at any time (and do so frequently!)

The rest of the week, we just hung out with family and tried to get some rest. We meant to do alot of chores around the house that didn't get done, but we spent alot of time together and that's all that really matters!!! I am so thankful to have such a wonderful husband and sweet baby girls.