Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Golden Rule and Manners

The girls have been talking about the golden rule in preschool this week. This morning I awoke to hearing them arguing on the monitor, so I turned it off, rolled over and prayed they'd go back to sleep. They did not go back to sleep and it turns out that Sadie pulled Molly's hair, so Molly pulled hers back. When Molly was asked why she did that, she very seriously said "The golden rule says to do unto others what they have done to you." Oh, my. . .I think we need to talk about the golden rule. . .

Manners are a big thing at our house. I insist and remind the girls of their manners constantly and feel like it's always falling on deaf ears. But an incident at my Mom's today proved that they are listening. The girls had taken out alot of toys at my Mom's and they were scattered about under my Mom's feet while she was trying to cook. Sadie came in and my Mom said, "Sadie, would you like to pick up these toys for Granna so I don't fall over them?" Sadie looked at my Mom and politely replied "No, thank you Granna" and went about her business. I guess we need to work on listening and not manners.


Anonymous said...

I love this post. It is too funny!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it...all of it! Sadie just melts my heart! :-)

Jennifer said...

Funny! And if your girls need help with manners, my children are in HUGE trouble. I think you are doing an amazing job!

Joni said...

Love it! How about a Starbucks trip this week? Friday morning?

Kerin said...

That is so cute!! At least she said thank you!

Stacy said...

Thanks for your comment--your family is precious. Sound VERY similar to ours...I have 2 boys 19 months apart and a husband on call ALL the time. --are y'all in the medical field? Those 1st 3-4 years were SO busy...and fun!