Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some days just stink. . .

and yesterday was one of those days. From the moment everyone got up in the morning, it was tough. Whining, arguing, backtalking--all the fun stuff, they did it. I couldn't seem to get them under control AT ALL. I'll spare you all the ugly details, but there was one funny (and also frustrating) part of the day that I have to share. Sadie was playing with clay at the kitchen table and managed to get a huge piece of it stuck in her hair, so being the bloggy Mommy that I am, I had to take a picture. . . .

You do need to know that she was screaming hysterically about the clay until I pulled out the camera. Maybe that should be my new form of discipline--you better behave or I'll take a picture of you!!! Whatcha think?

1 comment:

Amy said...

at least there is laughter even in the midst of the chaos! :-)