Having breakfast
Ready to go in!
Sadie showing off her cubby-
Molly outside her classroom-
When I picked them up they ran into my arms and told me all about their day. Molly brought a picture home (that she doesn't look too excited in):
She told me all about making gingerbread men with peanut butter and sugar. They left the gingerbread men on plates in the room while they went to the playground. When they returned, the gingerbread men and the plates were gone (following the story they read). Sadie's reaction was "Molly, now how did the plates leave? They can't run away!" She didn't question that the peanut butter and sugar "men" ran away, but was puzzled by the plate. . .
I missed them, but I did enjoy my quiet morning catching up on some errands and working out!! Now to tackle the rest of my list. . .
thank you for your comment on my blog!
that's a great "kids-in-the-public-bathroom" idea!! i'll definitely try that one next time. i bet my daughter would totally dig it.
Oh, how I love the first day of school pictures! So fresh faced-and ready for anything!
Now I'm off to see that schedule.
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